Tuesday, July 12, 2011


If I have any readers left out there :( I wanted to share some things that I have been working on here in Pinkture Perfect Land!  First of all, I am dedicating myself to getting back into blogging!  I have been inspired by Pinterest to really get into some fabulous things, thanks to my sister!  I signed up for Pinterest awhile back and thought, "Oh great, another website for me to spend more time doing!"  I put it aside and honestly didn't look at it too much.  Then this past weekend I went to visit my sister and we decided to get crafty!  I was browsing around on the website and suddenly was inspired to do more crafty things.  I guess I had lost that creative drive (which in turn led me to stop blogging).  It really is something I love to do but not having time, money, etc. has made me put it on the back burner!  Hopefully this is a new page.

The first DIY project I did was something for my classroom.  I am going to keep up with where my students are using this magnetic board.  I bought ribbon, magnetic board, and mini tiles. The three columns say "In Class", "Restroom", and "Out of Class".  I will use the out of class portion for kids that go to speech, ESL, etc.  There are mini magnetic pieces on the back of the tiles so the kids can move them to the appropriate column.  I will put the kids names on the tiles once I know who my kids are!

 The second (or let me say the first) project I did was this giant "P".  I traced a giant P on poster board and then planned out the outline with crayola crayons.  I hot glued ribbon to the back and I plan to hang this on my classroom door!
 This next DIY is something that my sister made while we were hanging out!  She lives in an apartment and of course has a little amount of space.  She bought this magnetic board and hot glued ribbon around the edges.  Then she put magnetic pieces on the back of her make up and wala!  It is easy, fresh, and really workable!
 The last project that I did was these classroom passes!  I made a boys pass, nurse pass, girls pass, and office pass!  These are so much cuter than the usual plastic passes that I have used for the past four years of teaching!  I put ribbon on the backs of each wooden letter and plan to hang them right under the "Where Are We" project that I did!
During the course of exploring Pinterest, I have really enjoyed looking at other people's ideas and I hope to share mine as well!  Are you on pinterest?  
Until later,


  1. Welcome Back! Love everything you've made. I'm absolutely addicted to Pinterest!

  2. Those all turned out really cute!! I love pinterest too! You should link this post up to the Pinspiration Linky Party http://frogsandcupcakes.blogspot.com/2011/07/pinspiration-linky-party.html

    Miss Kindergarten

  3. I love these ideas! Thank you for sharing!

  4. You have been crafty! I love your where are we board...cute idea, may have to steal it! lol!
