Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Bachelor Drama continues..

And The Bachelor Continues...
So all my Bachelor fans out there...did you watch last night's episode?  Let's start from the beginning.
Date one took place with Ashley H. and they had the surprise carnival.  I think Ashley H. is so adorable and I like how Brad and her really had some things in common and they seemed to have a lot of fun together!  I was happy to see that she got a rose on their date.
Date two was crazy!  I can't believe Brad took 15 women on a date to do PSA's for the Red Cross.  What I came out of the date with was that Michelle is crazy.  Did anyone else care that it was her birthday?  I mean if I had to listen to that anymore I was going to punch the t.v screen.  She was actually on my list of girls that I liked after night one but, I must say that I don't think she is on my top list anymore.  Overall I liked the date and think they worked for a great cause however, I don't like all the kissing and stuff that Brad was doing in the episode. Yuck!
Date three was with Jackie and boy was she spoiled on her date!  I think Jackie was the BEST person he could have taken on this date.  She was classy and very thankful she was getting the opportunity.  I like her a lot and I was also glad to see that she got a rose.

Ok, was anyone else tired of hearing from Rachel and Melissa?  What were they even fighting about?  I almost changed the channel because I was sick of watching them cry, whine, and fight like little kids.  I was glad that Brad sent both of them home!  Serves them right for causing unneccessary drama in the "Bachelorette Pad".

The rose list is as follows:
Ashley H. (love her!)
MIchelle (ugh...)
Jackie (love her!)
Emily (really like her...even though I have heard some CRAZY things about her.)
Shantel O. (don't know too much about)
Sara (again..don't know her)
Alli (don't know her)
Kimberly (don't know her)
Shawntel (one of my favs)
Stacey (like her)
Ashley S. (adorable!)
Madison (fang girl)
Lisa (don't know)
Marissa (like her)
& Britt

I really don't know too much about a lot of these girls and I know it is just episode two so I am excited to continue the journey along with these ladies!
Tata for now my Bachelor Lovas


  1. Ashley H and Emily are one of my favorites too....I haven't heard the crazy stuff on Emily!

    NKOTBSB concert is 6 months away and already we are planning our outfits! Soooo excited!

  2. Hey girl!!! I just found your blog!! Love it so far and can't wait to get to know you better! :)

    Emily and Ashley H are my faves too!!! What's the crazy stuff about Emily!?!? Tell me!!!!!

  3. I knew I wouldnt be able to stand this season with Brad being a re-Bachelor and his constant apologies. Therefore I already read the spoilers. I wont spill though, promise!

  4. OMW - you have heard crazy things about Emily!?!? SO disappointing! She is (was?) my fav! I am totally obsessed with this season for some reason! I look forward to Monday nights now :)

  5. Michelle definitely let her crazy come out with this episode! I love Ashley H and Emily...but now you have me curious about the stuff you heard about Emily!! Oh I also like Jackie. Pretty good season so far! I love your recaps. Do you read I hate green beans? If not you must!!
